Lighten Your Mood

Lighten Your Mood with Superstars Clary Sage & Bergamot Essential Oils

Greetings Beautiful Souls πŸ₯°

You know those times when you feel πŸ˜‘ (meh) not bad, not good just πŸ˜‘ and you can’t seem to shake it? Well a few drops each of Clary Sage & Bergamot Essential Oils in a diffuser will lift the heaviness and lighten your mood so you can get back to 😁.

You can also add a couple drops to a tissue and inhale a few times. When you’re done, fold the tissue and save for later…just in case.

When working with Clary Sage & Bergamot Essential Oils, I often gain much needed clarity to whatever has been weighing down my mind (cause of the πŸ˜‘ state). Clarity allows me to move forward and progress makes me 😁.

What are your go-to methods for going from πŸ˜‘ to 😁? Please share so we can have more 😁 moments.

Wishing you a Wonderful Wednesday. Sending you Love, Peace & Positive Energy. πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ


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