Pushing Past the Pain

This is how I work through not feeling well. Today I awakened with pain in my lower back and left leg. To add on, my allergies are ridiculous for whatever reason. Let’s just say from head to toe, I feel like crap. The cherry on top is…I also awakened weepy despite being great before I fell asleep last night.

The good news is I still wanted to do my Saturday thing; creating something new in the kitchen. Initially I though of making apple cinnamon rolls but then…

I baked the apples first with a bit of cinnamon, sugar and lemon juice. Then I made the dough and let it rest for about 45 minutes. Decided against cinnamon rolls somewhere along the journey. Rolled out the dough, brushed with ghee, added the apple mixture , then rolled dough and apples a couple of times. Turned out to be a layered apple pie-like thingy.

It’s was my brunch and really good with a cup of red rooibos tea. Nice,light and flavorful dough and the apples were nice.

Also made some Breathe Ease tea to curb my allergies and now the top half of me is feeling better but I’m still working on the bottom half.

I hope you will also push through if necessary on this New Day.

Blessings to you all. 💜🙏💜


Rose Quartz Healing