Offering Help to Someone Suffering with Anxiety/Depression


You can assist and perhaps inspire someone simply by being present and listening; making them feel genuinely seen and heard. Compassionate listening is often what someone needs to regain the confidence and clarity needed to create positive change in their life.

Here are six (6) ways you can offer to help someone work through anxiety/depression.

  1. Show them you are willing to listen to how they feel.

  2. Give them your unconditional encouragement and support; compassion and attention.

  3. Remember their truth is just that…THEIR TRUTH. You may not agree with their choices but always respect them.

  4. Offer advice only if they ask for it. If they are not open to receiving your wisdom, you may make them feel worse about what they are going through.

  5. Never, I repeat never tell anyone “just get over it”; those words are so disrespectful! Just because you may handle things differently does not mean what they are feeling should be minimized.

  6. Most importantly, be honest with them. If you feel like professional assistance is required to help them turn things around, say so in a direct but kind manner.

It’s not your responsibility to “save” anyone but isn’t it part of the human experience to at least try? How do YOU offer help to someone dealing with anxiety/depression?

Share your methods; together we can help more and more people choose to live.

With Love & Respect,


Herbal Relief, Right on Time


Life Flow Verse 05/22/2021