Chaos & Exhaustion…Relief

There’s so much going on in the world and people who have experienced trauma or more energetically sensitive, are experiencing constant mental and physical assault.

The chaos of the world is extremely exhausting and it often feels like there is no end in sight. For those of us who are still recovering from trauma, the chaos triggers painful memories and experiences which can create havoc in our lives; personally and professionally. For those of us who have heighten sensitivity and/or empathic compositions, the chaos causes so much anxiety and confusion making it difficult for us to exist in the world.

So what can we do to help ourselves? How can we work through the chaos and keep our energy from constantly being depleted? Here are a few helpful tips to navigate the world:

  1. Sit in a quiet place alone. Take some deep breaths and explore WHAT you are feeling.

  2. After some time, determine if what you are feeling belongs to YOU or someone else (i.e. are you angry because your best friend’s partner cheated or because you didn’t get the promotion you deserved at work?)

  3. If the feelings are truly yours, determine WHY you feel as you do. What is the cause and effect of your feelings? If you determine the feelings don’t belong to you, remember it’s okay to support others but you cannot take on their burdens.

  4. Process your feelings so you can regain your peace (i.e. You were wrongly overlooked for a well earned promotion. Do you stay with the job or start putting serious energy into finding something better?) You are responsible for your happiness so do the work no matter how scary it may seem and open yourself to the possibilities of change.

  5. Honor yourself. Acknowledge how you feel but don’t sit with “the darkness” too long. Once you’ve spent this time alone, feel free to reach out to someone you TRUST to discuss further and perhaps gain additional clarity. Please remember you are NOT alone!

Staying connected with ourselves and looking inward for our answers is the safest way to ensure our whole health; body, heart, mind and soul.

I’m always here if you need a non-judgmental, safe space to share your thoughts and feelings.

Wishing you great Courage, Empowerment & Peace.


A Perfectionist is Birthed By Trauma


Self-care is also…